Grain Bin Temperature Monitoring Systems: Cables, Probes & Sensors for Sale in Manitoba

The temperature inside your grain bin is something you’ll want to pay close attention to. Both too-hot and too-cold conditions inside a grain bin can create unfavourable conditions that can damage the grain and even ruin the product entirely. The use of temperature monitoring systems for your Meridian hopper grain bins can take the stress out of grain storage. When looking for grain bin temperature cables or a grain bin temperature monitoring system, you can depend on the experts at Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd.

Founded by farmers in 1988, Avonlea Farm Sales has firsthand experience in farming and understands the unique needs of farmers. We are dedicated to bringing you the best farming equipment to improve your processes and increase productivity. Contact us today and find bin temperature cables and grain silo temperature monitoring systems and protect your hard work.

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ID # 14299920

StorMax Retractable Temperature Sensing Cables

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StorMax Temperature Only Cables are Compatible with Bin Sense Monitors as well as StorMax Monitors
These cables are available in the Farm Duty Series for grain depths from 12-50 feet.
Commercial Series Cables are available for grain depths up to 140 feet.
StorMax Retractable Temperature Cables
The StorMax retractable temperature cable leverages industry-leading digital technology to record and provide vital grain condition data to your StorMax, Integris Basic, Integris Pro or OPI Blue Advanced Grain Management systems. Based on bin size, one or more temperature cables are installed, typically with sensors at 4′ or 6′ spacing throughout the bin. What makes the StorMax retractable temperature cable so unique is our exclusive retractable sensing element, which is protected inside a sturdy outer tube. This unique design combined with digital technology provides multiple benefits including:
Each sensor also includes a temperature sensor, so that temperature, relative humidity and moisture content can be read throughout the grain.
Highly accurate to within 0.5°C or 1.0°F
Easy to install and serviceable by the customer
Easy to service whether the bin is empty or full, eliminating any downtime
Highly scalable to work with your current system, as well as future upgrades as your needs change
StorMax Retractable Temperature Cables are available in three sizes (Medium Duty, Commercial Duty and Heavy Duty).
HDR StorMax CableCable Heavy Duty cable with sensors to measure temperature levels in your bin in grain depths between 100’ to 140’
6167 Hdr Stormax Cable
CDR StorMax Cable
Commercial Duty cable with sensors to measure temperature levels in your bin in grain depths between 50’ to 130′
6527 Cdr Stormax Cable
MDR StorMax Cable
Medium Duty cable with sensors to measure temperature levels in your bin in grain depths up to 80’
6521 Md Stormax Cable


StorMax Retractable Temperature Cables
Category Name
Grain Bin Accessories
Sale Type
Available for Purchase ONLINE at
Compatible with Bin Sense and Stormax Readers

What are the Best Grain Bin Accessories?

When it comes to grain bin temperature monitoring, you’ll need grain bin temp cables and grain bin temp sensors. You’ll also want to have grain bin heaters and grain bin fans to assist you with controlling temperatures. At Avonlea, we carry a variety of grain bin accessories to make your life easier and help you protect your hard work. Find the following accessories within our inventory.

What Other Grain Storage Options are Available?

When it comes to grain storage, the unique needs of your farm must be considered. Though grain bins and hoppers are a convenient choice, they may not always be the best solution. Grain bagging is a smart choice that helps to increase your productivity while providing an airtight storage solution. Find grain baggers and extractors for sale at Avonlea and get the right grain storage solution for your farm.